Why tantra woman circles? For what?
SINCE ancient times societies created spaces where to relax and bond within the same gender. These gatherings were deeply nourishing for both sexes. Men would go hunting and women would cook or knit together…a space to recharge and relax among “your tribe”.
Like wise these women circles are an opportunity to meet and be nourished, to enhance your feminine essence, to heal past wounds of jealousy and competition. To help each other by sharing themes that affects us all as women.
Together we create a temple where:
– to explore what it means to be an Integrated Woman.
– To discover our bodies and unveil its secrets, its sensuality its immense capacity for pleasure.
– To give space for our emotionality to Be.
– To learn to transform our Tears into Love, our Anger into Power, our Insecurities into creativity, our Dreams into our Life Reality.
It is a space to be sensual, creative, wild, tender, Sexual and Holy.
It is a space to Unveil your Potential and Empower Yourself by sharing your gifts amongst other women.
An opportunity to give and receive Love…from Women!, and like this heal the longing for “mother Love”. In this circles we become: sisters, mothers and Daughters, Teachers and Students, we become inspiration for each other.
Together we create a temple to Pray for the World, knowing that the way to transform it is by transforming ourselves first.
This circles are intense, magic, confronting, supporting, inspiring, refreshing. A safe space where to expose our Fears and Dare to face them and like this gather the courage to walk into a new Life.
Women who have joined this circles knows their power of transformation that shows in their lifes:
They move different, they speak softer and firmly too, they Dare to laugh loudly and to be seen in tears, they are spontaneous, playful, caring…
They are Magnetic. It is their Beauty With in that shines out proudly and enlightens the world around them.
So if you feel in any corner of yourself that you are not Living Fully, that life can be more loving, more fun, more adventurous, more deep, more creative… then this circles are for you.
Here the “safe” box that keeps you small will crack and be invited to Blossom to your highest potential as a Woman, as Love itself.